Contact Us & FAQ
For Memberships Inquiry, please liaise directly with
Yearly – membership for twelve (12) consecutive months, commencing at the date of payment of the applicable fee and expiring at the same date in the following year.
Monthly – membership for one (1) month (i.e. 1 time per year), commencing at the date of payment of the applicable fee and expiring at the same date in the following month. No records can be broken while on a monthly membership. (Non-lifter and Spotter and Loader monthly not available).
Upgrade: Monthly to Yearly membership – Prior to the expiration of a Monthly membership, a member may upgrade to a Yearly membership by paying the difference to make up the cost of an annual membership fee. An upgraded membership commences on the date of payment of the original Monthly membership fee and will expire on the same date in the following year.
Important Note: Monthly memberships can only be upgraded BEFORE the current period of membership expires. An application for any category of membership received after the expiration of a previous membership period will incur the full applicable fee.
Membership prices are (Prices include 10%GST):
12 monthly
$132 Open Lifter – The day the athlete turns 14 years onwards (no category restriction need apply)
$82.5 Junior Lifter – From the 1 January in the calendar year the athlete turns 19 years until the full calendar year which the athlete turns 23 years of age
$55 Sub-Junior Lifter – The day the athlete turns 14 years until the full calendar year which the athlete turns 18 years of age
$82.5 Pensioner Lifter – Disability Support Pension with a valid Concession Card
$82.5 Para Powerlifter
$44 Special Olympics Lifter who hold Special Olympics Australia Membership Home | Special Olympics Australia
$55 Non-Lifter – Coaches, Technical Officials
$1.1 Non-Lifter Spotter and Loader, Volunteers and Supporters
1 month (Trial Membership. 1 time per year)
$55 Open Lifter – The day the athlete turns 14 years onwards (no category restriction need apply)
$33 Junior Lifter – From the 1 January in the calendar year the athlete turns 19 years until the full calendar year which the athlete turns 23 years of age
$22 Sub-Junior Lifter – The day the athlete turns 14 years until the full calendar year which the athlete turns 18 years of age
$33 Pensioner Lifter – Disability Support Pension with a valid Concession Card
$33 Para Powerlifter
$22 Non-Lifter Coaches, Technical Officials
Upgrade – Month to Year
$77 Open Lifter – The day the athlete turns 14 years onwards (no category restriction need apply)
$49.5 Junior Lifter – From the 1 January in the calendar year the athlete turns 19 years until the full calendar year which the athlete turns 23 years of age
$33 Sub-Junior Lifter – The day the athlete turns 14 years until the full calendar year which the athlete turns 18 years of age
$49.5 Pensioner Lifter – Disability Support Pension with a valid Concession Card
$49.5 Para Powerlifter
$33 Non-Lifter Coaches, Technical Officials
How do I become a member?
Please click here for memberships.
How to obtain membership number?
Once we receive your completed application, we will review and assess it.
You should allow at least 3 – 4 weeks for your application to be assessed.
Then our membership manager will send you an email to confirm your application with membership number.
Will the APU send an Australian team to the Worlds?
Yes, based off scores last year. Please click here for grading table.
Coaching – What are the requirements?
Please click here
Can I compete across different Sporting bodies?
While we encourage all members to be active in society and in multiple sports and activities (without over training), we do so with the expectation that each member of APU is fully aware and responsible for the adherence of the anti-doping rules that are required as a member, whether athlete or support personnel. Some of the anti-doping rules required by you may be found in the APU regulations, but there is also some that are in the IPF constitution and most lay under the APU Anti-doping policy (i.e. Australian National Anti-Doping Policy).
With that in consideration, we (APU) also need to respect the regulations and policies that we accepted as/under:
1. The National affiliate to the International Powerlifting Federation and
2. Australian National Anti-Doping Policy.
Please note that the following requirement under the IPF constitution may affect any person who considers participating in sports that have limited or no anti-doping.
Clause 2.10 of the National Anti-doping Policy:
Prohibited Association by an Athlete or Other Person
2.10.1 Association by an Athlete or Other Person subject to the authority of an Anti-Doping Organisation in a professional or sport-related capacity with any Athlete Support Person who: If subject to the authority of an Anti-Doping Organisation, is serving a period of Ineligibility; or If not subject to the authority of an Anti-Doping Organisation, and where Ineligibility has not been addressed in a Results Management process pursuant to the Code, has been convicted or found in a criminal, disciplinary or professional proceeding to have engaged in conduct which would have constituted a violation of anti-doping rules if Code-compliant rules had been applicable to such Person. The disqualifying status of such Person shall be in force for the longer of six (6) years from the criminal, professional or disciplinary decision or the duration of the criminal, disciplinary or professional sanction imposed; or Is serving as a front or intermediary for an individual described in Article or
Clause 14 of the IPF constitution (Constitution and By-Laws - International Powerlifting Federation IPF) is as follows:
Any athlete, coach, referee or official who competes or participates in an International Powerlifting or Bench Press event not organised, sanctioned, or approved by the IPF shall not be permitted to take part in any IPF international, regional or national event for a period of 12 months from the date of that non-approved event.
Any athlete, coach, referee or official that participates in any competition or Event which is organized by a Sporting Body, Federation or Organisation that has not received recognition from the World Anti-Doping Agency and is thus non-compliant with the Code and International Standards shall be automatically rendered ineligible and shall not be permitted to take part in an authorized National or International Powerlifting or Bench Press Event for a period of 12 months from the date of the last non-compliant Event. Should the athlete, coach, referee or official participate in an unauthorized Powerlifting or Bench Press Event prior to the lapse of the 12 months, he/she may be sanctioned with a period of ineligibility of an additional 12 months from the date of the non-compliant Event. In the case of a second infringement for such participation, the period of ineligibility may be a maximum of 24 months. The decision to extend the period of ineligibility will be at the sole discretion of the Anti-Doping Commission.
As per IPF BY-Laws: 15.8 Participating in Non-IPF Events
Any athlete, coach, referee or official who competes or participates in an International Powerlifting or Bench Press Event not organised, sanctioned and approved by the IPF shall not be permitted to take part in any IPF International, Regional or National Event for a period of 12 months from the date of that non-approved Event.
Notwithstanding the above the athlete, coach or official may participate in multi-sport international games, e.g., the Commonwealth Games, the University Games, or the Students’ international or regional multi-sport games that are not sanctioned by the IPF, however provided that there is not any athlete or other person participating in such games in any capacity who is serving his/her ineligibility period for a doping offence.
If you are a member of another federation at the time of joining APU you are to provide details of your other affiliation on the membership application form.
If you join another federation while you are a member of APU you are to provide details of your affiliation to the board by emailing
Will there be competitions run all around Australia?
We will be running events in multiple locations however it does depend on resources and availability of volunteers and qualified personnel. We have secured competition venues already. Events (
What qualifying totals do I require for Championships?
Qualifying totals for events will be subjective the following conditions:
- To qualify for a State, National or International Championship, qualifying totals must be achieved at aligning APU sanctioned championship:
- Totals (Please refer to grading and qualifying table)
How do I progress to higher level championships and How do I make it into a team?
Competition progression
Competition Progression from Club/Local competitions to International Championships require a possible combination of 3 requirements (except in circumstances of exceptions)
- Participation
- Qualifying Total (only total required for masters)
- Placing
Open, Juniors and Sub Junior lifters have qualifying and participation requirements. Progression requirements for Open, Junior and Sub Junior lifters, require:
- For entry into State Championships “participation and qualifying totals” at local event.
- For entry into National Championships “participation and qualifying totals” at State Championships.
- For entry into International Championships “participation + qualifying totals and highest applying placegetter” at National Championship
Masters lifters do not have qualifying grades but require participation. Progression requirements for master’s lifters, require:
- For entry into State Championships “participation + any total” at local event.
- For entry into National Championships “participation + any total” at State Championships.
- For entry into International Championships “participation + any total + highest applying placegetter” at National Championship
Team selection
At this stage we have the following formats for the four levels of competition:
Local/Club Individual participation.
State Championships Individual participation.
National Championships both State teams and Individual partition.
International championships National teams participating only.
Team selection is not applicable in Local and State Championships
The team selection for National Championships is only applicable for the athletes who are participating for team points for their state at National Championships.
Except in cases where exemptions have been allowed prior to the event the highest placegetter at the State Championships in that weight division (with a qualifying grading total) will automatically gain selection over any other person.
For example:
Two athletes compete in the women’s 72kg “Open” APU NSW state championship all with a qualifying total to compete at National Championships.
Results are:
Athlete A, Winner
Athlete B, Second place
(Athlete C, did not compete at State but with an exemption)
Athlete “A” (with the highest total) will be selected in the NSW team;
Athlete “B” will be eligible to compete as individual competitors.
If it turns out that there was an athlete “C” who was exempt from States and had a higher total (eg: IPF worlds total), they would be eligible to be in NSW team and athlete “A” would be out of the team but competing as an individual.
If Athlete “A” decided to go to 84kg class, they would be eligible to compete, “BUT” not allowed to take anyone else’s spot in the team. If no one is in that spot, they may however fill the spot in the team.
The selection of athletes for International championships is for the National Team only. So no individuals participate unless otherwise arrange in special conditions.
To summarise
Changing weight divisions is permitted at individual championship as long as the change is done within the time restrictions set out for such competitions at all APU sanctioned events, for club/local to State to National.
Changing weight divisions may affect your ability to be in the team in team championships if it impacts the ability for another eligible athlete to participate in the team
Will the APU send a team to the IPF International Events?
Yes. Please click here for more info.
Ranking will be best total based of Previous World Championships or National Championships. One lifter will be selected in each weight division if two lifters can be selected without interfering with any other nominations, will be approved by the board.
Member must be registered for a minimum of 6 months prior to the championship.
The member is in good standing with APU
Last page reviewed in Feb 2022