
A Message from The APU President_We are part of a safe, ethical and inclusive environment



Dear APU Members,


Recently APU has managed a couple of integrity issues that involved reported behaviour breaches. They have been managed without any formal procedures, however, it was extremely alarmed and concerning some individuals expected that the details of the person who lodged the complaint should be revealed to them.


To make it very clear, the APU will not be revealing the details of any person who comes forward with genuine complaints, concerns or issues to other parties, unless "legally" required to do so by a court or law enforcement. Any person who seeks to identify a person who makes a complaint, will breach the APU member protection policy by doing so.


Please note: Remaining confidential may limit the complaints process, however we do not want you to stay silent. Speaking up (i.e. talking based on Fact. Not False Statement or Allegation), even if you wish to remain anonymous, is an important step that may be enough and it will be supported by the APU.


APU has a complaint procedure for all our members, which includes the confidentiality requirement. It is on page 29 of the APU member protection policy. Microsoft Word - APU_MPP_v003_web (



Yours in Strength

Sean Muir

President APU

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